How to recharge when working from home

Self-care is not selfish

Lets talk details of self care and how it’s so much more than bath bombs and bubble baths. No matter where you are at in your journey of life, it is never too late to start taking care of your mental, physical and emotional health. Listen to Season 1 Episode 05 of Her Messy Bun Podcast to learn about the importance of self-care and how to build your own personal little self care menu or keep reading.

How to Build a Self-Care Menu if You’re Self Employed

No matter where you are at in your journey of life, it is never too late to start taking care of your mental, physical and emotional health. I started mine after ending the most toxic relationship I had ever been a part of. Which led me to finding peace and happiness in my everyday life. It led me to loving who I was as a person again, I found myself becoming more self-aware, capable of sticking up for myself in more appropriate manners and it led me to meeting Blake 8 crazy years ago. 

I think that sometimes we confuse having our own place, paying bills, and doing “adult” things  with taking care of ourselves. On the surface, yes you need to go to work and pay your bills in order to take care of yourself, but there is so much more to it.

Do you ever feel closed off and don’t want to let people in? Do you ever feel tired even though you did nothing all day? Are you exhausted from just being? When these moments show up in our lives, do you have the tools to be aware of what's happening and rather than react you fight back? Well fighting back and taking control of your life again is a form of self-care. 

I however, want to talk about the day to day activities you can do for yourself that will fill your cup. Here’s the thing, society tricks us into thinking that taking care of yourself is selfish. That we need to be doing for others before we do for ourselves. Well there’s this analogy I heard when I first started my self-employed journey. Imagine we all are holding a cup filled with water, and the more you give the more you empty your cup and you no longer have water to drink from. Well there are two ways to get that water back, one by someone else pouring into your cup and the second by you filling up your own cup. Self-care is the fastest way of filling up your cup, and when you reach a point of over flowing share that with the world. Water is our life source, you want to make sure you have enough both for yourself and enough to share. 

I’ve created a self-care menu. Things I can do that will fill me up with love and happiness to keep me in a position to love my family the way they deserved, and to keep me sharing positive motivation to all you. I call it a menu, because you are literally feeding your soul when you are doing the things that make you happy and recharge. If my self-care menu speaks to you, I’m going to leave a link in the show notes for you to download it to your phone or computer so you always have it at your finger tips!

Ok, I’m going to make that last part quick because knowing me, I probably rambled a lot during that freestyle method of talking. Over all, I hope that you are able to understand that there are things in life that we can do for ourselves that isn’t meant to grow or learn, its meant to just take care of your brain and happiness. It’s meant to take the struggle out of struggle and . I hope my list gave you some ideas of how to start your list. It’s ok to tweak mine or look up more self care menus on pinterest and see what sparks an interest for you. In todays positive feedback session I want to shout out Melissa and Molly for reaching out and letting sharing your kind words of interest in the show!

As always I’d love to hear from you, if this helped, if you have questions what ever it might be. If you are listening on the anchor app or theres this really cool tool that allows you to leave a voice message. You can also email me or dm me on social media.

More Resources

Take Messy Action

Whether you’re determined to do it yourself or prioritize yourself, my blog, templates and services are designed to eliminate the guess work.

Feel confident in your brand so you can focus on what really matters.

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Pin one these image on Pinterest so you always have it!

And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun


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