Her Messy Bun - Brand Strategy and Design

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work less - get more done [part 2]

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

Can you work 3 hours a day?

I’m so grateful for my life and where it’s headed! I’m currently in this stage of life where I know what I want, how to get there and how to rest and recharge.

For the last few years after becoming a mom, I was able to create this 3-4 hour work day. Where I had strong power hours throughout the day and then I would spend the other time hanging with family, cleaning and organizing the house, relaxing with friends and overall doing things I loved.

What’s ironic is, I was forced into the 3-4 hour work days because I was a mom working from home and taking care of my a newborn.

See this content in the original post

Before this I was working endless days, mixing work with pleasure, never able to separate the two. I remember so many nights Blake asking me to put the computer away or put my phone down and asking for quality time with me. And that stuck with me - quality time. We all think we know what that looks like but I want to talk about it with you. We all know the phrase quality over quantity right? But what do we usually associate that with? Friends? Clothes? Loose change? At least for me I never associated it with time. But why not?

Think about it, if we gave ourselves quality hours of work we would be doing more work in less time, but most importantly it would be BETTER work in less time. If we gave ourselves quality hours of family time, we’d be able to enjoy the people we love the most without obligation and we’d probably walk away with more meaningful memories. If we put in quality time taking care of ourselves, we wouldn’t burnout as much, or be down for the count as often.

Thinking about the quality of work that has to get done in order to move the needle will help you see work differently. And seeing those things as the bare minimum we need to do for the week will help you stop doing the bits that are unnecessary - extra work - that don’t actually do anything for your business except KEEP you from your business.

Let me rephrase that, your bare minimum tasks should be quality work that is both easy to do and allows your business to operate with growth. This is how I work less and get more done throughout the week. Welcome to Part 2 of this series: Work Less Get More Done.

If you missed part one, check it out here, it’s all about the nitty gritty of my daily routines.

Last time I talked about my day to day, which included my daily non-negotiables and bare minimum tasks. And today we are going to break down my weekly non-negotiables and what my week looks like as an entrepreneur.

*Disclaimer - My weekly non-negotiables are in the process of changing as I hired my first employee in October 2022. So there will be more time and space to add more quality tasks to Her Messy Bun’s weekly non-negotiables now that I have extra help. But the ones I’m about to share with you are 98% exactly what they were when I was solo.

Ok! To start off let’s remember that I am a creative consultant and content creator. So let’s breakdown what that entails as a company.

Mentioned links:

Her Messy Bun is a Podcast, a Blog, we have 4 major social platforms we participate in - TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram. We sell ADHD friendly templates for entrepreneurs to grow and organize their business and branding, we have affordable mini-courses to help you create your brand strategy, we offer 1:1 strategy calls for business growth, email marketing, and content planning. We have an 8 week program called Burnout To Breakthrough that helps your develop a sustainable brand and content strategy and streamline your systems. And finally we have our membership and community Consciously Creative that includes daily group morning pages, coffee co-working sessions, and weekly group coaching calls.

Fully understanding your business and all it’s moving parts allows you to understand what HAS to get done every week, now remember my day-to-day tasks hold a lot more details of importance’s and my weekly non-negotiables will be more broad.

Weekly at Her Messy Bun:

Because I try to batch my work, these are things that either have to get done every week or are apart of my weekly itinerary of things that are already scheduled. However, I think it will be easiest if I break it up between the different departments.

Her Messy Bun Podcast

  • New Podcast Episode drops on Tuesdays and automatically get distributed on their platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast etc

  • YouTube Video drops for the more visual friends

  • Email announcement with scroll worthy extras

  • Podcast pins scheduled and posted

Her Messy Bun Blog

  • New Blog drops on Wednesdays

  • Blog Post pins scheduled and posted

  • Promote on Friday’s email

Social Media

  • Promotional posts and stories

  • Repurposed content scheduled

  • 5 Lead Generating Stories

Products + Services

  • Pinterest posts

  • Stories and social posts

  • Fast Tip Friday Email goes out

  • Weekly Client calls

Consciously Creative Membership

  • Group Coaching Calls

  • Schedule Morning Pages Prompts

These are the weekly non-negotiable tasks that keep Her Messy Bun running and create growth opportunities. These are quality tasks if all I did were these 10 to 15 different things every week and only these 10 to 15 things, I would be able continuously grow my business.

If you want to see how I take these weekly tasks and break them up throughout the week, check out Part 1 in Episode 066: Work Less Get More Done.

More Resources

Take Messy Action

Whether you’re determined to do it yourself or prioritize yourself, my blog, templates and services are designed to eliminate the guess work.

Feel confident in your brand so you can focus on what really matters.

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Pin one these image on Pinterest so you always have it!

And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun

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