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What Are You Saving Time For?

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

Making the Most of Your Saved Time

Are you always looking for ways to get something done quicker, finding short cuts, automating tasking, and constantly telling yourself “this will save so much time” If so, I want to ask you, what are you saving time for?

Too often I see my clients tell me they want to save time on social media, they wish social media wasn’t taking over their life, they want to automate more tasks, or they create a better schedule. So when I share with them how to batch create without burning out and how to repurpose without re-creating the wheel, their reactions are always the same “this will save me so much time!” So I always ask, What are you going to do with that saved time?

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Learn How to Use Your Saved Time Wisely

The goal isn’t to save time to do more work, the goal is to save time to live more life. And the reason you keep burning out it because instead of allowing yourself to save time from working so you can live more, you’re probably taking your saved time and working more.

10 Tips to Help You Live More with Your Saved Time

  1. Go for a walk

  2. Go to the beach

  3. Relax, and I mean really relax, no technology.

  4. Go to your town square and people watch, enjoy seeing interactions

  5. Clean your space and make it more visually pleasing for you

  6. Hangout with friends or family

  7. Paint, draw, color in a coloring book. DO something creative, something that connects you to the part of yourself that’s not analytical

  8. Return the stuff that’s sitting in your trunk or on your counter

  9. Pamper yourself, what do you love? Can you go on a vacation? Can you get away?

  10. And yes of course you can do more work. Especially if it will help you get more time for something you really want to do. I personally love my business and finding new things to share with you.

Some of you may be in your earlier stages of your entrepreneurial journey, which means you’re still learning how to save time with your systems and routines, which means you do need to add more work to those hours you’ve saved, and that’s totally ok! This list isn’t designed to create doubt, or make you feel bad about needing to work, it’s meant to remind you there’s more to life, and most likely that’s exactly why you wanted to be self-employed in the first place.

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Whether you’re determined to do it yourself or prioritize yourself, my blog, templates and services are designed to eliminate the guess work.

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And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun

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