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What Is Messy Action

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

What really happens when you “just start”

Take messy action! But what does that mean and does it actually work?? What is messy action, what are the pro's and con's of messy action and what happens when you take messy action? How do you fight the imposter syndrome, get organized and find a clear path to start working?

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What is Messy Action and Does it Work?

What is messy action? When I hear this term I think of - Just do something! Start somewhere. Take any form of action etc etc... And while that idea can be both invigorating and scary, I do want to point out it can also be debilitating for people with mental health issues, ADHD, or trauma. I would assume the same goes for all neurodivergent people but I won’t want to speak on your behalf so let me know if you think that’s true.

The reason I find messy action to be debilitating is because sometimes you don’t know where to start even with it being messy action. But todays topic is does it work? So let’s break it down if you ARE able to take messy action.

We all know action leads to clarity, results and the ability to learn from our mistakes.

When you take messy action you most likely will be starting in the middle of the timeline, and have to now work both backwards and forwards, but starting allows you to .. well start.

The pros of messy action:

The positive side to this is it can lead to

  • overcoming your fear

  • learning to shift gears

  • be more adaptive

  • learning to how to move forward when you’re overwhelmed

  • and finally seeing the path you’re standing on

The cons of messy action:

The negative side of this is it can lead to:

  • a deeper form of imposter syndrome because you now have “more messy work to do”

  • Feeling anxious because you’re constantly playing catch up

  • frustration or dissapointment because the path you’re on is actually a maze and you’re in the middle with no clear direction

  • and burnout before the concept is completed

Does Messy Action work? From the breakdown it’s does, but is what come’s along with messy action worth it?

Clearly there are some strong pro’s and con’s to messy action and if you don’t have a coach or consultant or can’t afford to hire one to help you start with a personalized action plan for your business that’s ok.

As someone who has taken so much messy action in the past and experienced both sides of the coin here as well as helped guide my clients out of the maze that is messy action, I’ve broken down the basic concept of HOW we obtain a clear and personalized action plan, as well as what’s helped me and my clients throughout the process.

Now because I don’t know your goal I had to get a little broad here but the broadness will help you on multiple levels.

Tangible tips:

We’ve seen the positives messy action can have and know they exist but how do prevent majority of the negatives to happen?

  1. Morning Pages and writing it all down

  2. Defining the steps it takes to reach this goal then organizing them in order from start to finish

  3. Educating myself on the how’s and looking at past experience to learn from my mistakes

  4. Create a mind map of your idea so you can see what concepts and actions are entangled with each other in order to go from a to z more smoothly.

  5. Research, research, research! There’s a lot of people out there that have done something similar to what you are trying to achieve. I used to youtube EVERYTHING or listen to podcast detailing a start to finish list of goals similar to what I’m trying to achieve.

If you have to do messy action, which most of us do in order to start, I want you to go into it with all as much knowledge as you can. Because getting stuck in that maze of bullshit work is a dream killer.

Thanks for tuning into another episode of Her Messy bun! but before I go, make sure you tell everyone you know about this podcast! My goal is to hit the charts running! and i need your help with that. So subscribe, get notified and spread the word Her Messy Bun podcast is going to be where it’s at.

More Resources

Take Messy Action

Whether you’re determined to do it yourself or prioritize yourself, my blog, templates and services are designed to eliminate the guess work.

Feel confident in your brand so you can focus on what really matters.

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And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun

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