Over Achiever Much?

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Overachiever just means future burnout

I’m Danielle and I’m a recovering over achiever. I struggle with feeling like I’m never doing “enough” which is real fun when you’re on maternity leave or a mom trying to balance all of the things, let’s talk about it.

Learn How to STOP Over Achieving:

Rather than thinking about what we achieve on an hour to hour basis, or day to day basis, I like to think about what I accomplish on a month to month basis. This allows me to set my short term goals as monthly goals, and my long term goals can be broken up into quarterly goals.

But I want to be honest here, as I look back on my first month back from maternity leave I realize this:

I was able to get so much done in my first month back and I’m still telling myself it’s not good enough. We need to speak to ourselves better than this.

Accomplishments mean nothing if you don’t know how to celebrate them.

I know, I know, the saying usually goes “accomplishments mean nothing if you don’t have someone to celebrate with” but you do - you have you!

Learning to celebrate and be proud of what you’ve achieved is actually the first step because the more we are proud of ourselves the more pride we can find for ourselves. Which means we can be in less competition with ourselves when it comes to HOW MUCH you’re trying to achieve.

So think about everything you’ve done this month, and ask yourself “did you include rest? Did you include taking time off? did you include the small things that were driving you nuts? did you include remembering things?

Tasks and work things are the make up of who you are. You are allowed to be everything you want. You are allowed to be multi-passionate. You are allowed to live a fulfilling life. You are allowed to take time off.

Being self-employed - scratch that - being employed, doesn’t mean you lose yourself to the company.

Okay - so I’m not gonna lie - I’m currently writing this podcast episode in morning pages, because my prompt today was “what did you achieve this month” and whenever I give a prompt I also go into details and breakdown what it could mean. I like to give a healthier or different perspective as to how to answer these kind of questions.

I do the same with the intention cards that I pull for the group. And today’s card we pulled was from the deck Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein, it said:

“I am willing to see my sameness with others. This opens my awareness to oneness.”

The reason I’m bringing this up is because a lot of times we fall deep into comparison mindsets when we think about our accomplishments. For some thinking about everything we’ve done also means thinking about everything that they haven’t done.

And instead of forgiving themselves, they start looking at others, especially people doing similar careers as them, and start comparing themselves.

But this card, this intention, is a great reminder that you can choose to see the sameness in others and still be proud of the things that make you who you are.

You can choose to connect with others and rather than seeing others accomplishments as jealousy see it as a sign that greatness is on it’s way to you too!

Being exactly like someone else is boring - embrace yourself and you’ll never be bored again.

I hope you walk away from today’s episode knowing this:

  1. It’s important to celebrate all of your achievements even if it’s “i got off the couch and went outside today!” Learn to celebrate so you have more to celebrate.

  2. Your achievements don’t compare to others because we are all walking different paths and our journeys while relatable are incomparable.

  3. Seeing someone else have something you want is your sign that it’s also on it’s way to you, but can only find you if you’re open to it.

Todays blog came straight from my morning pages notebook.

Morning Pages is how I’m able to achieve my monthly goals as well as reflect on everything that I’m working on.

More Resources

Take Messy Action

Whether you’re determined to do it yourself or prioritize yourself, my blog, templates and services are designed to eliminate the guess work.

Feel confident in your brand so you can focus on what really matters.

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Pin one these image on Pinterest so you always have it!

And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun


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