Content Creating 101
Are you in the early stages of being a content creator?
Are you having troubles staying consistent on social media? - listen to Season 2 Episode 05 of Her Messy Bun Podcast to gain a clear understanding of what it takes to be a content creator or keep reading.
Content Creation 101
Are you curious how people stay consistent on social media? Does creating content feel overwhelming? In this episode, we take you from being intimidated by creating and posting to feeling confident in what you’re saying, how you are saying it and actually pressing the post button.
What kind of content do you like to make?
If you’re having a hard time creating content, it might be because the content you’re creating doesn’t bring you any joy, creative release or you just don’t align with it. What kind of content do you like to create - easy, funny, goofy, educational, inspirational, talking to the camera, recording yourself doing something, recording time passing, voice overs, reading quotes etc.
One you understand what kind of content you actually like creating then you can move on to figuring out who you’re making it for.
Who are you creating content for?
While every piece of content we make should be infused with value, you definitely need to enjoy making that kind of content first. Now that we know what kind of content we actually enjoy making - let’s figure out who we’re making it for.
Are you a business, a personal brand, trying to be an influencer? What’s the intent behind your content? Who is it for? If the kind of content you’re making is cleaning videos, then you’re probably making content for people who enjoy watching others clean or organize. Once you have that figured out, you need to understand WHY they enjoy watching others clean. There’s a transformation that happens.
What is the transformation for your target audience?
To continue off of the last example, if you’re making cleaning videos, what’s the transformation your target audience is going through? Below is the target audience transformation formula to ask yourself:
Always ask - go from _____ to feeling ____
Always ask - go from _____ to knowing ____
Why can YOU help them?
Tips to make your life easier when creating content:
Repurpose the subject matter
Make a note in your phone
Caption videos using the voice to text option to save time
Is it valuable: Educational, entertaining, inspiring
Make it about your target audience -- it’s not about you, even when it’s your journey
Keep it short and snappy (preferably 15 sec on TikTok) - people’s attention span has dramatically gone down, get rid of the extra fluff
Call to action: what’s the goal of this piece of content? engagement, audience growth, get them to download your freebie, buy something?
Content Calendar - writing it out for the month will help you understand what the overall scope of your content intentions are
More Resources
Automatically repost your content on other platforms.. same day or days later, your choice! Try It Free!
Reclaim your days with my Work Intuitively Masterclass
Never stare at a blank page again Join Consciously Creative
Take Messy Action
Whether you’re determined to do it yourself or prioritize yourself, my blog, templates and services are designed to eliminate the guess work.
Feel confident in your brand so you can focus on what really matters.
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And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.
Until next time!
xo Danielle
Let’s Be Friends:
Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun