Her Messy Bun - Brand Strategy and Design

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5 tips for staying focused

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

Tired of getting distracted?

If staying focused on one task, or one project feels impossible this ones for you. When you’re self-employed with ADHD it’s a scary feeling when you realize that an entire week or month has passed and you haven’t done anything to move the needle, because you weren’t able to focus or because you kept getting distracted. Let’s talk about it.

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Top 5 Focus Tips for Easily Distracted Creatives

Want to focused/staying focused as a self-employed solo entrepreneur? If you have ADHD like me, need help focusing, or are just tired of getting distracted keep reading.

Last month I shared a few of the recent adjustments I made to how I work in order to help me tap into my hyper focus super power as a human with ADHD working from home. I’m adding to that list and diving deeper on how these adjustments actually work for me.

  1. Focus sound

  2. Notion scheduling templates

  3. Turn off your Notifications

  4. Say goodbye to your phone

  5. Daily get to dos

Listening to focus sound keeps you on track:

I listen to this focus sound. I know it sounds weird but it’s like a light brain massage that keeps me moving forward. Basically this audio helps me tune out all the other noises around me and if it’s too quiet in the house (which is rare) it helps provide an ambiance. I’ve been using it here and there for years but over the last few months, I’ve kept the browser page open on my desk top so that every time I step into my office, the first thing I do is press play and then forget about it. It’s over 9 hours long so you are working more than my usual 3-4 hour work days it will still work for you.

Notion scheduling and automating templates (like mine):

I reorganized my Notion to make all of my action steps and to do’s extremely vision and easy to access. This way I’m not stumbling around looking for everything. Let me know if you want help setting up your Notion for your business.

Silence your notifications - stop allowing distractions:

I turned off ALL of my notifications on my computer, including visual notifications. I’m an Apple user so they’re all linked together, and even if my phone is on do not disturb my computer was still getting notifications and I’d allow myself to get side tracked and then BOOM! “what was I doing?”

Say goodbye to your phone:

To add to that one, I’ve also started leaving my phone in the other room. If I’m going in my office to work on my computer, then why do I need my phone? I don’t. This has been crucial when it comes to checking my notifications. I’ve never been one to go on social media on the computer except for Pinterest.

Create a to do get to do list:

I created daily get to do’s. Ok you caught me! This isn’t something ~New~ but I’ve taught this to my clients for the last 2 years and it’s been a game changer. Change your mindset around “to do’s” by changing them to Get To Do and Want To Do.

If you’re looking for more help check out:

If you’ve tried all these random things, that apparently aren’t so random, and you’re still looking for the special sauce to help you work from home based on who you are as a person.


I tracked my moods and energy levels to figure out what days of the week I’m most likely to be productive, motivated, and creative. If you need help with this, check out my Intuitive Work Schedule. I’ve helped over 100 entrepreneurs create a customized work from home schedule that allows them PEEK progression!

More Resources

Take Messy Action

Whether you’re determined to do it yourself or prioritize yourself, my blog, templates and services are designed to eliminate the guess work.

Feel confident in your brand so you can focus on what really matters.

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Pin one these image on Pinterest so you always have it!

And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun

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